

Abundant Life Broadcasting
P.O. Box 299
Roseville, CA 95678

Phone Numbers:

Technical Questions on how to receive this channel:
Call Bonnie Ensminger at (916) 344-3300 in the evening.

If you are interested in being a volunteer to help with the production of local programs:
Call Brad Burnham at (808) 383-3720.

*If you you would like to make a donation to support and expand our ministry click here.

Abundant Life Broadcasting is a ministry that reaches a diversity of people across the Sacramento Valley.  Realizing that our programming touches not only Seventh-day Adventist Christians, but also those who may have never heard the name of Jesus, we have established the following guidelines regarding the content of our programming. Please pay special attention to the section that may apply to the type of program you are preparing.

Submit your video to our Program Committee, P.O. Box 299, Roseville, CA 95678, or contact Bonnie Ensminger, Secretary, 916-344-3300. Be sure to include your name, e-mail address and phone number.   Programs will be evaluated on content, production quality—lighting, background—and audio quality.

Spiritual Programs
Programs that present Biblical topics need to be firmly bible based in harmony with the Seventh-day Adventists doctrines.  Although it may be useful to occasionally quote Spirit of Prophecy during your presentation, we encourage more Bible references since many of our viewers are unfamiliar with Ellen White’s writings.

Health Programs
We ask that health information be scientifically sound and well-documented, whether presented by a licensed medical doctor or a lay health practitioner.  Demonstrations of heat, massage, water treatments and related health-restoring natural remedies need to be conservative and balanced.  Vitamin, herbal, raw food and other controversial therapies need to be discussed before being presented on tape.

Food preparation programs must use recipes with natural foods and may not include meat.  Consider recipes with little or no milk, butter, eggs, sugar or oil.

Family Programs
Instruction for family care and child guidance needs to be Biblically sound and conservative.  When presenting programming for children we ask that you use real life situations rather than rely on puppets, magic or make-believe to get your point across.

Emphasis of a song performance should be placed on the lyrics rather than the rhythm.  Live accompaniment is preferred. However, please use only those tracks that do not have distracting drums or percussion.

If you have a question about your particular presentation, please feel free to contact our production department for further details.

Be creative in your presentations.  Avoid “talking heads” by interspersing with illustrations, etc.